somethings up with my eyes...or what is it???

Monday, July 26, 2010

Red Sox Game!!

I'm so ecstatic because I went to a Red Sox Game on Saturday night against the Mariners in Seattle! The Red Sox lost the game, but that was ok because they won the other 2 games before the loss which is awesome! There was this guy behind us that kept making smart-aleck remarks. He was like, "The Red Sox are in 3rd place! The Yankees are first, then Tampa Bay, THEN Red Sox!" He wasn't being very nice and he was rooting for the Mariners. My mom said back to him, "And so what place are the Mariners in?" He didn't say anything because the Mariners are in last place! Not 3rd! He said he was born in New York so he liked the Yankees, but he went to school in Boston so he liked the Red Sox, but he lives in Seattle so now he likes the Mariners! He said there was no baseball team for where I live or the two states where we used to live so we shouldn't like baseball! What a dumbbutt.....All offense please!


  1. I used to live in Washington. Didn't live close to Seattle but GO MARINERS!!! I used to be a big fan!! :]

  2. Cool! Which baseball team is your like favorite now?
