somethings up with my eyes...or what is it???

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

बोर्न अगेन

I believe to be born again doesn't take you work. Jesus Christ paid the price so we didn't have to. He gave his life so we didn't have to. Nothing is Free. If you get something for your Birthday, it isn't free, it's free for you, but it isn't free for the person who paid for it. Nothing is Free. Being Born Again isn't free because Jesus had to die for us to get spirit to be born again. Some people, different religions believe different things, but I, a Christian, believe that the only way possible to become born again is to open your bible, read aloud Romans 10:9-10 mostly 9 and do what it says~ Romans 10:9
"That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10:9.
The moral of this Post is nothing is free, that Jesus paid the price for us to LIVE. That if you confess out loud that Jesus Christ is your Lord and you believe in your own heart, no faking or you are truly not born again, that God raised Jesus from the dead, you are saved, and you can never lose your spirit after you have it. Even if you rob a bank. The only proof that you have spirt and will go up to heaven is if you can speak in tongues.
When you are born again, not everyone can speak in tongues. Speaking in tongues is just proof that you are born again. As long as you believe in all the things I just said above, and do the things I said above, you will be born again. And remember, once you are born again, you will stay born again no matter what bad or good thing you do as in robbing a bank or commiting a crime for that matter. If you are born again, don't commit a crime just for fun because you are already born again. You're born again because you believe in good things, not commiting a crime which is evil.
I'll tell you about the story of how the Devil came to be the Devil in another post someday...