somethings up with my eyes...or what is it???

Friday, April 9, 2010

New Song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When I grow up, I want to be an actor and a singer, and if I can't pull off one of them I'll go for the other. If I can't pull off either, I have a backup plan. Anyway, I never thought that I would be able to come up with a song just off the top of my head, but I was thinking about a song I made called My Heart, when I was little, though I have forgotten it and lost the paper I wrote it on, and it came to me! It just hit me like lightning! I thought of a song called Where Are You Now and I just started singing this song off the top of my head and I ran upstairs to type it out, but I had to do a few things in the middle of writing it, so I kept saying it over and over so I didn't forget it. I don't have all of it finished, but what I have so far, I really like. Maybe when I'm done, I will write the song on a new post and get some feedback, not too harsh from my followER. If anyone else wants to follow me I would love it!


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